I came across these queries that can give you good insight on the data and maintenance of Content Store in Cognos 8/10. You can also leverage the CMTools utility that comes with cognos install. ..\Cognos\bin\utilities\cm\CMTools\CMTools.exe select count(*) as "total number of objects" from CMOBJECTS; select c.NAME as "class name", count(*) as "number of objects" from CMOBJECTS o, CMCLASSES cgroup by o.CLASSID, c.CLASSID, C.NAME having c.CLASSID=o.CLASSID order by c.NAME ; select c.NAME as "class name", count(*) as "number of secured objects" from CMOBJECTS o, CMCLASSES c, CMPOLICIES pwhere o.CMID=p.CMID and p.POLICIES is not null group by o.CLASSID, c.CLASSID, C.NAME having c.CLASSID=o.CLASSID order by c.NAME ; select count(*) as "Total number of outputs", SUM(cast(coalesce(DATALENGTH(DATAPROP),0) as bigint)) as "Total size of outputs" from CMDATA where DATAPROP is not NULL; select ...
I came across this slick KB article on how to get the list of active sessions/users currently on any cognos environment and implemented it. https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21385278 After I got this to work the servlet that runs only retrieves the CAMID and the session start time. I started looking around in the content store tables and was able to successfully retrieve the CAMID and the associated LDAP ID/User ID. I made this a query subject in the Audit model and joined it to the security groups table and created a report that will give me User ID, CAMID, AD Group, Name , Email. Query : SELECT distinct ldap_id, last_name, first_name, email, objid as CAMID FROM (SELECT c33.cmid user_id, UPPER (c33.NAME) ldap_id, c1.surname last_name, c1.givenname first_...
After i started blogging it came to my mind that initially when I was learning or exploring cognos/BI there was no place to go and ask people one on one and get the issue or question addressed. I know there are lot of forums where you can post questions, but the issue is some might be afraid to ask simple questions and some questions might not get answered right away or might even be lost. This gave me an idea for a simple forum where you can get online help from experts.The Professional Network.
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