
Showing posts from April, 2011

Query Cognos 8/10 Content Store

I came across these queries that can give you good insight on the data and maintenance of Content Store in Cognos 8/10. You can also leverage the CMTools utility that comes with cognos install. ..\Cognos\bin\utilities\cm\CMTools\CMTools.exe select count(*) as "total number of objects" from CMOBJECTS; select c.NAME as "class name", count(*) as "number of objects" from CMOBJECTS o, CMCLASSES cgroup by o.CLASSID, c.CLASSID, C.NAME having c.CLASSID=o.CLASSID order by c.NAME ; select c.NAME as "class name", count(*) as "number of secured objects" from CMOBJECTS o, CMCLASSES c, CMPOLICIES pwhere o.CMID=p.CMID and p.POLICIES is not null group by o.CLASSID, c.CLASSID, C.NAME having c.CLASSID=o.CLASSID order by c.NAME ; select count(*) as "Total number of outputs", SUM(cast(coalesce(DATALENGTH(DATAPROP),0) as bigint)) as "Total size of outputs" from CMDATA where DATAPROP is not NULL; select ...